Politics is on hold just when business is most in need of firm direction

Chloe McCulloch

As the industry impatiently awaits clarity on Truss’s plans, we still don’t even know the name of the new construction minister

The news of Queen Elizabeth’s death is being felt across the UK as it adapts to the official period of mourning and the national media relay every detail of the preparations for the royal funeral.

Our own coverage online and in some of these pages reflects tributes to the monarch paid by the construction and design world, while we have cast an eye on the architecture of the second Elizabethan age and ask if Charles III’s views of the built environment were ahead of their time.

Not only are we adjusting to a new head of state, our government is now under new management with Liz Truss – the fourth prime minister in six years – and a brand-new set of Cabinet ministers.

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